Best Ways to Get Rid of Rodents in Your Home

Each year, thousands of homes across Idaho are forced to contend with rodent infestations. Rats and mice are relentless pests that will stop at nothing to enter your house. If they get inside, rodents can cause severe damage with their gnawing behaviors and may also contaminate your home with harmful bacteria. If you want to get rid of rodents in your Meridian area home, follow these tips.

Top 3 Rodent Control Tips

  • Set Traps Strategically

Most Idaho homeowners’ immediate response to a rodent problem is to buy some traps at their local hardware store and set them around their home. While this is a good first step, it’s important to be tactical about where you place your traps – and how you bait them. Mice and rats are shy of people and usually hide out in areas we don’t often go, including the basement, attic, garage, and inside of walls. Try to set your traps in these areas or nearby them to catch rodents most effectively. For bait, use something soft and greasy or sugary; peanut butter, marshmallow, soft cheeses, and pet food are some of the best rodent baits.

  • Eliminate Entry Points

Any route which a rodent can take to get into your home in Meridian is known as an entry point. It doesn’t take much for rats and mice to get inside; these pests can squeeze their furry little bodies through incredibly tight spaces. Inspect the exterior of your home for any holes or cracks along the foundation and in the siding that rodents might be able to slip in through. If you have rodent activity in your attic, you may also need to check your roof. Use caulk or barriers to close off any possible rodent entry points you find so no more mice or rats can get in.

  • Call the Professionals

When it comes to stopping a rodent infestation in your home, it’s always best to rely on a professional rodent control company in Meridian. Experienced rodent removal technicians know the most efficient ways to remove rodents from a home as well as the most effective methods to prevent rodents from getting in again. Call Owyhee Environmental today if you’re looking for the best rodent control services in the Meridian area!